In the course of speed-reading the yahoo main page several weeks ago, I ran across a short-cut tip for a cake that I THINK came from the Pennsylvania Dutch community. The author takes a chocolate cake mix and adds brewed coffee instead of the water called for in the recipe. Does anyone know of this recipe, and what icing you would use for this cake? It sounds easy and wonderful, but I can't remember what it was I actually saw! HELP!This recipe calls for adding coffee instead of water to a chocolate cake mix..?
You can also do that with any good cake mix. Get a really rich chocolate mix and just substitute the coffee for the water. Ice the cake with fudge type frosting.This recipe calls for adding coffee instead of water to a chocolate cake mix..?
i would say using water but adding instant espresso powder to your favorite chocolate cake mix then frost with fudge frosting
Espresso works better because you get alot of coffee taste out of a small amount of liquid. Amaretto buttercream frosting sounds good.
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